CAPIA is a research centre whose main objective is to support the development of the aquaculture and fishery sector in the extreme south of Chile, through: scientific, techno- logical research and innovation, services, training and specialisation of human capital, and support of new business generation, which can provide work and wealth to these territories.

CAPIA is an inter- and multi-disciplinary team of researchers, academics and experts, in addition to students from our university, CFT (Technical Training College) and IP (Professional Institute), who have the opportunity to gain experience and training in scientific work. In addition, it consists in a meeting and interchange point for knowledge and the search for innovative ideas, providing effective solutions to the problems that affect different productive sectors from the extreme south of Chile.

CAPIA’s Aims and objetives

  1. Generating knowledge in different fields, through the formulation and execution of projects, for the institutional and productive sector.
  2. Generating new technologies and transferring them to the productive sector.
  3. Advanced human capital training, through graduate and postgraduate degrees.
  4. Providing services and advice to public and private institutions in the fishery and aquaculture area.
  5. Publications, conferences and seminars for the dissemination of results obtained through research.
  6. Extension, dissemination and community outreach activities.

Strategic Alliances

  1. Development, growth technology and aquatic organism processes, as well as their transfer to productive sectors.
  2. Managing hydro-biological fishery resources, focusing on benthic fisheries, applying an ecosystem approach.
  3. Integrated management of coastal areas, incorporating aquaculture on a small-scale in artisan fishing management, and in coastal smallholders’ marine concessions.
  4. Increasing value and commercial growth in the aquaculture and fishing industry.
  5. Strengthening the productive sector’s advanced human capital.